Peer review process

Article review

The process of reviewing articles submitted for publication in the collection of scientific papers "Scientific Notes" takes place in two stages.

The first stage - the submitted article should be accompanied by a review by a leading scientist in the scientific field of the article.

In the second stage, the editorial board provides an independent review of the materials submitted for publication by scholars who conduct research on similar topics, and sends the authors comments and recommendations of reviewers. The authors make the necessary changes to the article, and give a justification in a case of disagreement with the comments of the reviewer. The editorial board gives permission to print the article after the final approval of the text of the article by the authors and reviewers. The approved article for publication is edited by the technical editor. Minor corrections of a stylistic, spelling, technical nature that do not affect the content of the article are made by the editor without the consent of the author.

Reviews are kept in the editorial office for at least three years.

The reviewer evaluates the article according to the following criteria:

  1. Is the topic of the article relevant and of scientific interest to the audience of the collection?
  2. Does the article contain original research?
  3. Are the methodology and interpretations of research appropriate and correctly applied?
  4. Does the title of the article accurately reflect its content?
  5. Are the goals of the article clearly defined in the introduction?
  6. Is the article clearly and concisely written and is it well structured?
  7. Does the article contain a sufficient number of relevant references to literature sources?
  8. Does the article contain high-quality necessary tables and figures?
  9. Are the goals, methods and results of the article sufficiently reflected in the annotation?
  10. Are the main results and the contribution of the researchers clearly stated in the conclusion to the article?