• V. Pavlenko
Keywords: optical laser system, structure, configuration, resonator, medium, radiation


The article reveals the concept of laser, the history of origin and basic concepts of quantum generators. The extracted main
components are necessary for the proper functioning of lasers and a description of their functions and examples of
application is offered in the form of a table. The structure of the optical laser system, which includes an energy source, a
working body of the device and a system of mirrors ("optical resonator"), has been revealed. It is emphasized that the laser
radiation can be continuous, with constant voltage, or pulsed, reaching extremely high voltage. The fundamental basis of the
laser are: pumping system, laser active element and optical resonator. It is emphasized that an optical resonator is a system of
reflecting, refracting, focusing and other optical elements, in the space between which waves of the optical range can be
excited. The structure of the optical laser system is proposed schematically and the process of interaction of all components is
described. It is substantiated that the laser converts low-quality energy into coherent radiation, ie into extremely high-quality
form of energy, or, using the terms of thermodynamics, we can say the following: pump energy with low temperature and
Міжвузівський збірник «НАУКОВІ НОТАТКИ». Луцьк, 2021, №71
© В.Я. Павленко
high entropy is converted into laser radiation with exceptionally high temperature and extremely low entropy. It is emphasized
that the fulfillment of the conditions of amplification of laser radiation in the presence of positive feedback through the
optical resonator provides the necessary energy prerequisites for the self-generation of radiation. The mathematical aspect of
formation of synthesis of optical-laser system on the basis of laser active element is given. It is noted that the provision of
small distortions of the field distribution of the output laser beam, as the main property of the optical laser system,
characterizes the quality of the real optical laser system with which it forms a laser beam in comparison with the ideal
conversion of the output laser beam.
