• V. Lazebnyi
Keywords: lock, burglary, theft, locking device, cryptography, attack, property, sensor, microcontroller


The article investigates the influence of locking device developments on the total number of breakages. The
problems of household protection are determined, the role of protective devices in the general system of effective protection is
established. Four categories of household protection are proposed: complete insecurity; security level is less than the basic
one (one device is installed); basic level of security (installed window and door locks); the level of security is strengthened
(complex protection). The concept of a locking device is formed. It is emphasized that modern developments of locking devices
are based on electronic base. The latest developments include: electric locks, solenoid locks, locks with electroblocking,
electromagnetic locks, electromechanical locks, combination locks, biometric locks and some other types of locks that run on
electricity or related to electronics. The principle of operation of electronic locking devices is investigated, which is based on
the ability of this device to receive signals from certain media with the help of sensors and readers. The design of a typical
electronic locking device with a detailed description of the operation algorithm is given. The structural scheme of the closing
device on the basis of the microcontroller is offered and the principle of action is substantiated. The functional component of
the battery-operated locking device and integrated Wi-Fi based on a wireless microcontroller and a DC motor driver with a
block diagram are revealed. A detailed description of possible options for breaking these devices and analyzes the impact of
new locks on the number of breaks. It is emphasized that the development of modern locks is moving rapidly, every year there
is a modernization of each previous version, new elements and protection mechanisms are added. However, at the same time,
criminals and hackers are looking for the latest methods of influencing locking devices. It is noted that one of the priority
areas of protection is combined protection, which together provides more effective protection and security.
