Research and analysis of the influence of recipe and technological factors on the strength of expanded clay concrete on quartz sand

  • Stolevich I.A., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Odesa
  • Posternak O.O., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Odesa
  • Petrash S.V., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Odesa
  • Kovtunenko О.V., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Odesa
  • Urazmanova N.F. Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Odesa
Keywords: deformability, expanded clay concrete on quartz sand and cement-ash binder, fly ash, regression equation, prism strength, cubic strength, aggregate-structural factor.


The aim of the work is to study the strength and deformation properties of expanded clay concrete on cement-ash binder and to prove the technical possibility and economic feasibility of its study in structural elements of civil buildings. The five-factor plan B5 was implemented. In the matrix, each of the technological factors changed at three levels (-1; 0; +1), which made it possible to obtain quadratic mathematical models of output parameters - the bulk mass of concrete, cubic and prismatic strength of the expanded clay concrete at the age of 1 (a.s), 28, 115, 180 and 360 days, when the expanded clay concrete mixture is mobile (the constant draught of the cone is DC= 2...6 сm). Processing of experimental results to identify regularities of influence of studied factors - consumption: cement (x1); lime (х2); fly ash (х3); expanded clay gravel (х4); quartz sand (x5) on water consumption of ceramic and concrete mixtures – B, volume of inter-grain voids Vn, the density of the ceramic concrete mixture – ρo and the density of the expanded clay concrete ρ allowed to obtain with 95% reliability quadratic regression equations, taking into account only significant regression coefficients. Based on the results of experimental studies with 95% reliability quadratic regression equations of cubic and prismatic strength in the age of 1 (a.s), 28, 180* and 360* days are obtained, expanded clay concrete on CLF-binder and quartz sand with only significant regression factors.  The paper examines and analyzes the influence of recipe and technological factors on the strength of expanded clay concrete on quartz sand. The invention makes it possible to use the dependence of a cubic and prism strength expanded clay concrete on quartz sand using a large component binder with a further prospect of saving cement and fillers.
