Plagiarism policy

The authors should make sure that the manuscript is:

  1. Describes a quite original work;
  2. Not plagiarism;
  3. has not been published in any language before;
  4. Reference is made to the relevant source or citation if the authors used the published text.

Authors who publish the results of their original research should provide an accurate result of their work, as well as an objective discussion of its importance. The main data should be reflected in the work as much as possible. Published material should contain enough details and references to allow others to use the materials of the article.

Authors should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same study in several journals or primary publications. Presenting the same article in multiple journals at the same time creates unethical publication behavior and is unacceptable.

Responsibility for copyright infringement and failure to comply with applicable standards in the submitted materials rests with the authors of the article. The authors are responsible for the reliability of the given facts and data, substantiation of the conclusions and recommendations made and the scientific and practical level of the article.