Everything of ash waste in the construction of rod foundations
Strengthening of soils with various binding materials has been one of the most relevant topics of research in the field of road construction for several decades. Currently, numerous evidences have been obtained that the use of soil strengthening methods is the most important factor in reducing the cost and speeding up the pace of road construction. Soils strengthened with organic binders also have disadvantages, which include their insufficient water resistance, high dependence of work performance on weather conditions, a limited range of soils suitable for bituminous treatment, a long period of bituminous soil structure formation in conditions of mandatory traffic regulation. The paper analyzes the possibility of using waste, such as slag, fly ash, ash slag from the burning of various solid fuel materials in road construction. Ash is a conglomerate of small (from 1-2 μm to 10-50 μm) particles; the main components of ash are SiO2 (more than 50%), CaO (about 6%), the rest - phosphates of iron, calcium, hematite, silicates of calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, aluminum, sodium. It is proposed to use ash, which shows activity in the structure of the material and has its own binding properties. This makes it possible to improve the pore structure, strength, water and shear resistance of reinforced soil. The resulting material had good strength, but low elasticity. To provide greater elasticity of the material, it is possible to use organic binders, such as bitumen. When processing mineral materials with bitumen, new systems are formed that have a complex of physical and mechanical properties inherent in coagulation-type structures. The results of shear testing of ash-soil mixtures confirm that ash in mixtures with soil treated with bitumen is an active component in the processes of structuring of road construction material.