Features of protection of concrete communications, which are operated in difficult hydrogeological conditions

  • Drapaluk M., PhD in Engineering, associate of Department of Building Constructions Odeska Państwowa Akademia Inżynierii Lądowej i Architektury, Odesa
Keywords: sewer collectors, protection, repair mix, cracks, durability, groundwater


The article considers the features of operation of concrete sewers. The issues of the fact that, along with the construction of new collectors, the need to repair, reconstruct or restore the operational capacity of such facilities is of particular importance. The use of water lowering, which is carried out by pumping groundwater, leads to a violation of their natural balance and regime. The most promising are the methods of water protection, which allow you to limit the water reduction only within the impossible circuit, while avoiding the violation of the natural regime and reducing operating costs At the same time, the elements of structures operated in flooded conditions are most often subject to repair. The operation of such facilities requires protection from the harmful effects of groundwater. The process of protection of sewer collectors sunk into fine-grained loose soils with low permeability is described. The possibility of using polymer compositions for protection of concrete from groundwater by the flexibility of the technological scheme, the ability to provide design performance with durability is also determined. The processes of changing the properties of repair mixtures during their injection into voids, cracks and fissures due to mass and heat exchange with the processing space are described. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new materials that provide the design properties of the protective layer. To do this, the viscosity of the repair mixtures should be close to the viscosity of water, its initial value should be maintained or slightly changed during technological time, and the loss of fluidity of the solution - in a strictly regulated time. It was found that the main obstacle in the use of some types of polymer compositions for repair and restoration of sewers, operated in flood conditions, is the leaching of emulsifiers and swelling of the polymer component, which leads to internal stress, reducing the durability of repair coatings.
