Application of wood in the conditions of aggressive environments

  • Homon S.S., Dh.D., professor National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • Gomon S.S., Dh.D., professor National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • Matviiuk O.V., senior lecturer National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • Vereshko O.V., senior lecturer Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk
  • Chornomaz N.Yu., Ph.D. Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Keywords: wood, aggressive environment, water, alkali, acid


The state of scientific research of wood under the influence of various aqueous, alkaline and acidic media is analyzed by domestic and foreign scientists. The scope of application of wood materials, elements and structures separately in aqueous, alkaline and acidic environments is given in detail. Experimental and theoretical studies conducted in the past by various researchers of solid, glued and modified wood under the aggressive action of aqueous, acidic and alkaline media are highlighted. The scope of application of wood in operation under the influence of various aggressive media is given.

Wood, as well as other materials (metal, concrete, reinforced concrete, plastics), are exposed to various aggressive media (water, alkaline, acidic, and others). Wood-based materials, elements and structures are used in various fields of construction, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, mining and furniture industries, and the agricultural sector. In some cases, they work in conditions of direct exposure to moisture, alkalis and acids.

If we talk about the water environment, then the most popular are the operation of transport structures (wooden bridges), load-bearing structures of sports facilities, gazebos, benches and other structures.

On the other hand, wood can come into direct contact with water during operation, and on the other hand, only its vapors can be present. Such conditions should be taken into account when designing objects made of wood for various purposes. Under such conditions, mechanical and physical properties are variables that need to be investigated by modeling in scientific laboratories.

In our previous works, some of these studies were conducted and it was found that when water is directly exposed to Wood, the strength decreases, and the deformation indicators, on the contrary, increase.

It is established that the mechanical and physical properties of wood under the action of alkali and acid have not been sufficiently studied and require many clarifications. The area of further research is highlighted.
