Application of the fds software to determine fire exchange
One of the main tasks of the forensic fire investigation is identifying a seat of fire. In the process of identifying a seat of fire, the following circumstances should be taken into account:
- the seat of fire is characterized by an area of maximum burning duration;
- the degree of thermal damage to structures and materials in the area of seat of fire is usually higher than in other areas;
- to a large extent, the nature of the burning escalation depends on the location of the primary burning;
- when identifying the location of a possible seat of fire, the features of processes occurring during the fire, which may affect its onset and escalation, should be taken into account.
Currently, in most cases, an expert takes these factors into account subjectively, without applying any calculation methods. However, the application of such methods can increase the reliability and quality of the investigations carried out to determine the seat of fire.
The main calculation methods that can be used in identifying the seat of fire are as follows:
- calculations based on the reconstruction of fire escalation (temporary fire characteristics);
- calculations of temperature fields on the structures (temperature characteristics of a fire);
- calculations of the parameters of processes occurring during a fire.
These calculations should be supplementary to the conventional methods of identifying a seat of fire, based on the evaluation of thermal damage to structural materials, the identification of signs of seat of fire and indications of the direction of the spread of burning, the analysis of witnesses’ statements, etc.
The proposed methods for identifying the likely seat of fire using calculation techniques are innovative and still need to be finalized. However, when achieving a certain level of result accuracy, these techniques can contribute to more efficient work of experts and improve the quality of expert findings. Since various hazardous factors and their impact on building structures are taken into account during modelling, the proposed techniques will be useful for the analysis of large-scale fires or fires in buildings with complex structural solutions.