Strength and deformability of structural modified wood of spruce and ash during operation in water environment
Structural wood is operated in various aggressive environments. It is most affected by alkaline, aqueous, saline, and acidic environments. At the same time, wood-based materials and elements under such operating conditions can operate under various types of loads. The most common are the operation of solid, glued, and modified wood under axial compression and tension along the fibers. In this article, we will be interested in the operation of structural modified wood under axial compression along the fibers under short-term loads during operation in an aquatic environment. The purpose of this article is to establish the main strength and deformation parameters in the subcritical and postcritical stages of operation of a composite material when operating in an aquatic environment.
The methodology of experimental studies of modified and unmodified 40-year-old structural wood of spruce and ash by axial compression along the fibers under normal operating conditions and in an aquatic environment is presented. According to the results of the experiment, histograms of the dynamics of changes in the main characteristics of strength and deformability were constructed. It was established that the influence of the aquatic environment significantly reduces the temporary ultimate strength of wood and the modulus of elasticity, increases the relative critical and residual deformations compared to the indicators at a standard humidity of 12%. It was found that the modification of wood with the polymer composition Silor increases the maximum stresses and the modulus of elasticity; reduces the relative critical and residual deformations compared to the indicators at a standard humidity of 12%. The obtained composite materials based on spruce and ash wood and the polymer composition Silor are stable during operation in aquatic environments and do not deteriorate the main strength and deformability properties.