Geoinformation modeling of transport accessibility of territories

  • Uhl A.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk
  • Melnyk O.V., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk
  • Melnyk Y.A., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk
  • Voloshyn V.U., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk
  • Synii S.V., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: geoinformation systems, isochrones, transport accessibility, analysis, modeling


The value of territories with developed transport infrastructure is increasing compared to those where it is less developed, which is reflected in the value of land and real estate as well as in social and household spheres. One of the widely used tasks of geoinformation systems is to map transport accessibility based on road network data. The most common way of modeling transport accessibility is to construct isochrones - lines of equal time spent on space overcoming given points. The article deals with the methodology for modeling the transport accessibility of territories by the method of constructing isochron using OpenStreetMap data, GIS GRASS GIS and DBMS PostgreSQL. To create isochrones, we used the v.isochrones extension, which allows us to work in two modes: to create continuous isochrones, that is, the cost of moving, and to simply delay the distance traveled along the roads, which is well-suited when it is impossible to move outside the transport network at all. The values of isochrones in the range from 15 to 180 minutes, the speed to overcome the space outside the road network of 5 km / h and the resolution of the output raster of 50 m were taken for simulation. According to the results of the research, a isochoron map for the territory of the Volyn region was constructed in vector and raster form and its analysis was performed. The results of the study show that about 67% of the territories of the region can be reached from key settlements within an hour. The proposed methodology can be used for a quick analysis of the availability of territories. Possibilities of this approach are rather limited, especially in aspects related to the consideration of traffic flows, coverage quality, speed limits, and other permanent and temporary things that directly affect transport accessibility. With the detailed preparation of the road network baseline data, it is possible to obtain interesting results that can be applied to different transport accessibility analysis scenarios.
