Engineering and planning organization of the territory of the Lugansk region in modern conditions. Problems and prerequisites

  • Sokolenko V.M., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Sievierodonetsk
  • Sokolenko K.V., postgraduate student Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Sievierodonetsk
Keywords: agglomeration, population, general layout, urban development


Ukrainian Donbass belongs to the industrial region which is based on coal - metallurgical complex. Now in the Donbass, an armed conflict continues, caused by external aggression. The tasks are to determine the main directions of territorial development, taking into account modern conditions.

Donetsk and Lugansk regions belong to highly urbanized regions. The total population of the regions exceeds 6.6 million people, which is larger than a small European country.

As the industrial region, Donbas was formed at the end of the XIX century. This was contributed by the industrial revolution and labor migration. However, the own resources of the territory are not enough to maintain an excess population. During the First and Second World War, the Donbass suffered a recession related with the degradation of the region. The recovery was at the expense of tough government policies and administrative measures.

By historical standards, Donbass arose and developed instantly. History did not know such examples. At the beginning of the XXI century, the industrial cities of the Lugansk region faced with a number of problems. There are the environmental overload of the territory, outdated technologies of the industrial era, a decline of the urban development, and a decrease in the population.

In 2014, this situation got worse significantly as a result of armed conflict. The territory and economic complex are artificially separated. The military action has been stabilized along the demarcation line with a length of 427 km. It crosses roads, railway routes, passes along the borders of the main agglomerations. The situation has undoubtedly negative consequences. The issues of the development of the territory, the improvement of the urban and territorial planning have not been planned and considered.

The classification of regions distinguishes typologies by signs of function and form. The Lugansk region is a cross-border region with a prevailing coal industry. The region is faced with the tasks of modernizing the coal industry, providing employment of the population, improving the environment, and searching for new development incentives. The situation of armed conflict in the cross-border region requires taking into account a new function - border control.
