Strengthening of monolithic reinforced concrete structures using pre-tensioned reinforcing ropes

  • Smorkalov D.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Zatyliuk G.A, Doctor of Рhilosophy Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Vynokur V.S., Ph.D. student Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, pre-tensioned reinforcement ropes, post-tensioning, post-tensioning, rope, methods of strengthening, technologies of strengthening.


In the article, options for strengthening with the help of reinforcing ropes are also developed, and options for strengthening structures are developed. The construction history has always reflected the evolution of technology and human needs. One of the key problems was the need to enhance structures, which stimulated the search for effective methods. Building structures are subject to wear and tear and need to be restored and strengthened, and can also undergo changes in load that require their strengthening. In addition, in connection with the situation in our country, it should be noted that buildings can be damaged as a result of explosions and require reinforcement. Ukraine is witnessing the growing popularity of "prestressing" technology, which can open up new opportunities for construction progress. Research in this area is constantly developing, opening up wide prospects for using prestressed ropes in construction and engineering. New technologies and materials significantly change approaches to strengthening structures, providing them with great strength and stability. Today, reinforcement can be done by various methods, including the use of metal elements, composite materials, or reinforced concrete brackets. However, the use of prestressing significantly improves the strengthening capabilities, increasing the load-bearing capacity and reliability of structures. Prestressing can be done using composite materials or prestressed reinforcement such as prestressed ropes. The use of pre-stressed ropes in new construction is becoming more and more common, but this method is not used for reinforcement, although there are all possibilities for this. In the world, there is a trend towards the increasing use of reinforced concrete, which indicates the importance of this direction of development.
