Computer modeling of the effect of the conditions Of fixing the ends of a beam with a construction bend On the redistribution of normal stresses

  • Smoliar A.M., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Miroshkina I.V., Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Yurchenko S.V., Senior Lecturer Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Romanchenko V.R., Student Cherkasy State Technological University
Keywords: beam with construction deflection, height of construction deflection, beam with jointly fixed supports, beam with rigidly clamped ends, redistribution of normal stresses, computer modeling, numerical experiment, «LIRA-CAD» software package.


Strengthening of structural elements of building structures is an actual problem of construction mechanics. Computer modeling stands as a potent instrument for addressing challenges in the mechanics of building structures. Optimizing the efficiency of structural elements of building structures by changing their geometric parameters is an important task of modern construction. The paper presents a computer model of the stress-strain state of a beam with construction deflection. Such a beam has as its axis the deflection line of a straight beam, which is symmetrically reflected relative to the longitudinal axis of the corresponding beam. The deflection line of a statically determinate two-support beam was chosen for the construction deflection.

A numerical experiment has been conducted. A beam with jointly fixed supports and rigidly clamped ends is considered. Also, based on the results of the numerical experiment, the magnitude of the largest normal stresses was analyzed depending on the height of the construction deflection. The height of the deflection line was increased up to three times.

A significant redistribution of normal stresses has been demonstrated for beams with construction deflection. In such beams, there is a significant reduction in the magnitude of tensile normal stresses with increasing height of the construction deflection. The normal compressive stresses change insignificantly. The area of tensile stresses decreases rapidly, while the area of compressive stresses increases significantly.

This effect of redistribution of normal stresses in beams with a construction deflection makes it possible to reduce the cross-sectional area of beams, and for reinforced concrete beams, to reduce the amount of reinforcement.

Numerical solutions were obtained using the «LIRA-CAD» software package.
