Парковки та стоянки в системі багатоповерхової житлової забудови в м. Рівне

  • Lipyanin V.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor National University of Water Management and Natural Resources, Rivne
  • Stychuk V.A., master degree National University of Water Management and Natural Resources, Rivne
Keywords: housing development, parking spaces, parking lots, parking lots


Currently, one of the most pressing problems of cities is congestion with cars, the number of which is increasing every year. Parking space shortage puts forward the challenge of a comprehensive parking management solution.

So, the main problems with the organization of permanent storage of vehicles are: the lack of space for the organization of permanent storage of vehicles, especially in the areas of the central planning zone; predominance in the structure of places of permanent storage of motor transport garages-boxes and open parking lots, which determines the low efficiency of use of territories; insufficient availability of permanent storage of vehicles. According to regulatory documents in residential areas should provide storage of all residents cars and temporary storage of cars (not less than 15% of the estimated fleet of cars belonging to residents of the area) so-called "guest parking" for visitors, taking into account the predicted level of automation on settlement period of master plan.

In residential areas with a new multi-story buildings, the priority type of garages for the permanent storage of individual cars should include separately located multi-story aboveground, underground and combined aboveground-underground, built-in, including mechanized garages. It is allowed devicing garages built into the first, and basement floors of multi-story residential buildings, as well as open car parks with their subsequent rearrangement in the garage.  In terms of residential buildings of up to five floors, it is advisable to provide for permanent storage of cars in low-rise, individually located aboveground, underground and aboveground-underground, including mechanized (automated) garages of the simplest types, as well as in open parking lots. The article conducted a deep analysis and made the necessary calculations for territories with multistorey residential buildings in order to determine the required number of cars for their orderly storage, which meets the modern regulatory requirements.
