Analysis of landslide in Ukraine and methods of their elimination

  • Lynnyk I.Е., Doctor of Engineering, Professor O. M. Beketov National University of Municipal Economy in Kharkiv
  • Shmulya I.А., student O. M. Beketov National University of Municipal Economy in Kharkiv
Keywords: landslide processes, methods of landslide removal


Landslides are a dangerous physico-geological phenomenon that leads to the destruction of buildings, engineering structures and the death of people. The study of landslide processes not only in Ukraine but in the whole world is an urgent problem both during the construction of new objects and during the exploitation of already built ones.

In article the analysis of landslide processes in the territory of Ukraine was carried out, which revealed that the spread and development of landslides has a tendency to increase, and the landslide zones in the last 30 years have increased by 2–5 times. The most common are landslides in the Crimea, Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lugansk, Odesa, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Cherkasy and Chernivtsi regions. Volyn and Rivne regions have no geological preconditions for the development of the landslide process at all.

In article the analysis of landslide processes in the Kharkiv region was carried out. As a result, it was found that 1615 landslides with a total area of 40,3 km2 were recorded on its territory, two of them, with an area of 0,09 km2, are active. In Kharkiv landslide areas are located mainly on the banks of the rivers Lopan, Kharkiv and the slopes of ravines Oleksiivska Beam, Chunikhin Yar, etc.

In article as a project proposal, it is proposed to conduct engineering protection of the coastal strip along the Nemyshlya River. For this purpose, construction is proposed on the right bank, where there is a significant difference in the height, construction of reinforced concrete retaining wall. In the sole of this wall is proposed to lay coastal drainage. On the left bank of the Nemyshlya river the slope is more gentle. Therefore, it is proposed to install a three-dimensional geogrid on this shore. And then, on the thus formed topography of the shore, the grass is sown. As a result of engineering protection, the coastline can be used as a recreational area for the rest of the population.
