Field of application and methods of modification of composition materials on base timber

  • Gomon S.S., Ph.D., associate professor National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • Savchuck V.O., student National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • Melnyk Yu.A., Ph.D., associate professor Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk
  • Vereshko O.V., assistant Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk
Keywords: timber, modified timber, methods of modifying timber, composite materials, silor


The literary sources analysis of various possibilities of a timber modification is considered in the article. Timber modification is a process of deliberately influencing on wood to improve its mechanical and biological parameters. It is stated that the modification allows to change the properties of the timber in such a way as to increase its reliability, increase the service life, protect from moisture, precipitation and microorganisms, and to provide the material with the necessary properties for the arrangement of certain premises. There are two types of timber modification - surface and deep. Surface modification is performed to protect against fire and pests, as well as to strengthen and strengthen the load-bearing structures of buildings, structures, bridges. Deep modification is intended to increase the physical and mechanical characteristics of materials and products several times. The main disadvantage of deep modification is the high complexity of work and the cost of its implementation.Modified timber differs favorably from ordinary timber, it can be used in rooms where the temperature and humidity often change, unprocessed timber, in such conditions, will quickly become unusable. The basic methods of deep modification of timber according to the state standards of Ukraine, in particular thermomechanical, chemical-mechanical, thermochemical, chemical, radiation-chemical modification methods are presented. The field of application of composite materials based on timber (modified and glued) in various fields of construction and wood industry is given. In particular, such materials are used in load-bearing structures of buildings and structures, bridge structures, in the production of flooring for various purposes and furniture. The direction of further researches of timber modification by silor is determined.
