Aims and Scope


The policy (goals and objectives) of the collection of papers is to expand the communication and information field for the publication of research results:

–             building materials and construction,

–             technologies of erection and exploitation of buildings, engineering and transport systems,

–             Theory of elements resistance of building designs to external influences and methods of calculation,

–             modern trends in design solutions in construction,

–             energy efficient technologies in urban construction and economy.

The collection is included by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, category B, which can publish the results of theses for doctoral and candidate of technical sciences in specialties: 192 Construction and Civil Engineering (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №886 from 02.07.2020); 113 Applied Mathematics; 122 Computer Science and Information Technology (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №409 of March 17, 2020)

The collection is registered by the State Registration Service of Ukraine (certificate KV, №20340-10140R from 31.05.2013). The collection has been assigned an international standard serial number ISSN 2410-6208.

Periodicity: twice a year.

The collection has been published since 2014.