• V. Pasika
  • R. Kazmirovich
  • O. Kazmirovich
  • О. Goncharuk
Keywords: jogging processes, jogger, stack of sheets, dynamic synthesis, frequency and amplitude of the vibration


The article conducted analysis of factors affecting the quality and productivity of the formation of sheets in a stack on the joggers and the dynamic synthesis of the jogging process. The purpose of the work is determination of such parameters of jogging perturbation and the angle of inclination of the vibrate table, at which the alignment will take within the shortest time. The jogging process, which contains the running start and run out, is the considered in detail. The hypothesis has pulled out and confirmed that under jogging conditions there may be conditions under which a stack of sheets will be in the state of "free-body". It`s represented, that moving of the stack is possible only when the table is tilted and vibrated, the acceleration amplitude of which will be not less than the acceleration of the Earth's gravity. The time of stay of the table is in the state of "free body" determined depending on the angle of inclination, frequency and amplitude of the vibration table. The following graphs it is possible to estimate time of alignment of sheets in a stack of from the angle and vibration parameters.


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How to Cite
Pasika, V., Kazmirovich, R., Kazmirovich, O., & GoncharukО. (2019). DYNAMIC SYNTHESIS OF JOGGING PROCESS OF SHEETS IN A STACK ON THE JOGGERS. Technological Complexes, 16(1), 85-95. Retrieved from https://eforum.lntu.edu.ua/index.php/tcomplex/article/view/1109