
The editorial board of the scientific journal "Technological Complexes" takes responsibility for its duties, which ensure compliance, at all stages of publication of the required quality and reliability of the research results submitted in the manuscripts, and determines its ethical and other responsibility. Accordingly, all stakeholders (authors, reviewers and editors) must adhere to the standards of ethical conduct, which are regulated by СOPE.

The manuscript submitted to the journal certifies that the scientific publication was not protected by copyright. Before submitting the manuscript to the editorial office of the journal, the corresponding author must make sure that all co-authors have approved the latest version of it and have given their consent to the publication.

The manuscript should be written in scientific Ukrainian or English and contain a logical and clear structure and be designed in a style that corresponds to the template of the journal.

For the information of the authors, the editorial board of the scientific journal cannot make significant corrections to the manuscript, since there is a risk of distorting the purpose of the material presented in the article. When approving the final version of a scientific article and submitting it for publication, the corresponding author ensures its approval by all co-authors.

The editorial board of the journal puts forward the following basic rules to the authors of manuscripts:

  • Creators should avoid copyright infringement and plagiarism. Authors whose manuscripts reveal a violation of academic integrity, including plagiarism, will be prohibited from submitting materials.
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring that the manuscript submitted for publication is not published earlier or submitted for publication in another edition. Submitting manuscripts of articles that essentially describe the same study to multiple journals at the same time is unethical and unacceptable.
  • Authors of the manuscript must declare a conflict of interest and, if necessary, apply for ethical approval. In the event that there is no conflict of interest, the authors should declare that they do not have any conflicts.


All manuscripts of articles submitted for publication in the scientific journal "Technological Complexes" are subject to double "blind" review. Scientific articles that are submitted for review are considered as confidential documents. That is, reviewers cannot use them for their own benefit or transfer them to third parties.

Requirements for reviewers, reviews and the review process:

  • The reviewer must have the necessary level of knowledge on the subject of the manuscript, have a degree not lower than Candidate of Sciences (Doctor of Philosophy) and not have joint publications with the authors of the manuscript.
  • Reviews should be objective, and comments should be reasoned and clearly formulated to allow authors to use them for future improvement of the manuscript of the article.
  • A reviewer whose research interests do not coincide with the topic of the study must immediately inform the editorial board and refuse to review.
  • The reviewer should not consider a manuscript in which there is a conflict of interest for him.
  • The reviewer should inform the editor about the similarity of the manuscript to another published article.

The final decision on publication, after review, is made by the editor-in-chief or the executive secretary, who is responsible for the manuscript received by him. After the final decision of the editor, the authors are informed of the following:

  • Accept as is. The manuscript of the article is accepted unchanged.
  • Accept after minor changes. The manuscript of the article is accepted after editing, taking into account the comments of the reviewer (authors are given no more than seven days to finalize).
  • Review after major changes. Acceptance of the manuscript for publication depends on the editors and reviewers. The author must provide a clear answer or refute the reviewers' comments that cannot be reviewed (the authors resubmit their revised manuscripts within two weeks, the "new" version is re-reviewed).
  • Decline with incentive to re-submit. Manuscripts that require additional experimental or theoretical studies to support the findings will be rejected (authors are encouraged to resubmit the manuscript after further research).
  • Reject The manuscript of the article contains serious shortcomings or there are no original solutions to the research problem (the manuscript is rejected without a proposal to re-submit it to the journal).

The editor, in his own research without the written consent of the authors, is not entitled to use unpublished information that was obtained during the receipt of manuscripts.

The editor must promptly take clear and balanced measures to respond to ethical complaints about the submitted manuscript or published article.