• V. Yaropud Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  • D. Datsiuk Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Keywords: seeder, sowing device, seeds of small-seeded crops, distributor guide of sowing device, throughput of sowing device


Sowing method depends on the soil and climatic conditions and the sowing qualities of the seeds of small-seeded crops. The task of sowing is to create favorable conditions for the germination of the seeds and to ensure their required density with uniform placement in the rows. The sowing device is one of the most important working body of the seeder. It ensures the selection of a certain number of seeds from the seed mass and the formation of an output seed flow with the specified parameters. Therefore, the seeder efficiency is characterized by the uniformity of seed distribution in the row and on the sown field. During the sowing of small-seeded crops, electromechanical seeders are used in the fields of variety testing and preliminary propagation. However, the disadvantage of their work is the insufficient uniformity of seed distribution along the row, which is caused by the action of random factors during sowing. The result is an uneven crop, with thicker or thinner plants in the row, which reduces the yield of small-seeded crops of breeding value.  In order to ensure high accuracy of seed sowing by selection seeder of small-seeded crops, it is necessary to install a seed guide in the form of a chute in the distributor of the sowing device. On the basis of the numerical simulation results of the seed movement in the distributor of the seeding device of the selection seeder, the equations were obtained that characterize the dependence of the throughput capacity of the sowing device and the coefficient of variation of the throughput capacity of the sowing device on the throughput capacity of the dispenser, the angle of the flow narrowing and the angle of inclination of the guide. The analysis of the obtained equations showed that in order to ensure the rational parameters of the proposed distributor guide of the sowing device, it is necessary that the coefficient of variation of the throughput of the sowing device would be minimal, and the throughput of the sowing device would be maximal.


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