• S. Yaheliuk Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
Keywords: fruit and vegetable products, product expertise, product quality, consumption properties, regulatory documentation


Fruit and vegetable products are traditionally used in great demand among Ukrainians. In modern economic conditions, imported fruit and vegetable products are increasing rapidly. New manufacturers and suppliers are appearing on the food market. However, at the same time, the problem of low-quality goods being sold and the emergence of conflict situations between sellers and consumers are increasing. This especially applies to little-known for Ukrainian consumers subtropical or tropical fruits. There is a different vision in consumer properties. There is a problem of the modernity of regulatory and technical documentation and its harmonization with the documents of the European Union. In some places, manufacturers still use old, inactive standards. However, it is precisely through standardization that proper conditions are provided for the functioning of the domestic market and the establishment of exports. Quite often, the information that is brought to consumption is not confirmed by scientific research and regulatory documents. Therefore, there is a need to develop a model of examination of fruit and vegetable products taking into account modern consumer requirements, regulatory documents and research methods. In the article, the main components of fruit and vegetable product quality expertise, a model and implementation, proposed methods and means of researching the consumer properties of fruit and vegetable products are proposed. Proposed model allows us to conduct research quickly, rationally choose methods and tools, and provide reliable results. Data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, as well as data from theoretical and experimental studies conducted in 2019–2022 at the Lutsk National Technical University were used in the study. The results of the conducted study and the proposed model of examination of the quality of fruit and vegetable products can be used by expert organizations, food industry enterprises and consumers.


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