• I. Dudarev Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
Keywords: assessing of plant raw materials, assessing of stem condition, comprehensive quality indicator, flax, flax raw materials


In order to obtain the final product with the necessary indicators, it is necessary to process the raw materials according to a certain technology. Processing of plant raw materials according to a certain technology and obtaining high-quality products are possible only if the initial quality indicators of the raw materials meet the technological requirements. The same applies to the possibility of applying harvesting technologies for agricultural crops, in particular bast crops. But in this case, the stem condition of the crops must be taken into account when choosing a harvesting technology. For assessing the suitability of plant raw materials for processing or the stem condition, in particular bast crops, for harvesting, the universal algorithm has been developed. The algorithm includes the following stages: selection of raw material processing technology; determination of indicators that characterize the suitability of raw materials for processing according to the selected technology; carrying out an expert assessment of the importance of the selected indicators and calculating their importance coefficients; establishment of basic (recommended) values of indicators that allow the application of the selected technology; determination of absolute (actual) values of indicators; calculation of relative indicator values; calculation of value of complex quality indicator of raw materials; result analysis of the indicator assessing; based on the results of the assessment, making a decision regarding the possibility of applying the selected technology; application of the chosen technology or choosing another. An expert method was used to assess the importance of indicators of the stem condition of fibre flax and the quality of retted flax straw, as well as to calculate their weighting coefficients. The developed algorithm was tested on the examples of fibre flax and retted flax straw. This algorithm can be applied to any plant material in order to determine its suitability for processing according to a certain technology.


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