• N. Kovalchuk Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • N. Tolstushko Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
Keywords: forest phytocenoses, forest, plantations, forest fire, forests during war


The research program included the study and analysis of the problem of preserving forest phytocenoses under the conditions of a full-scale invasion of the aggressor on the territory of Ukraine and the conduct of hostilities. The object of the research was the forest phytocenoses of Ukraine. The impact of negative factors of anthropogenic origin on the forests of Ukraine, which was caused by the full-scale invasion of the aggressor country and the conduct of hostilities, is describes in the article. Special attention is paid to the forest phytocenoses of the territories most affected during the war and their map is proposed. The main functions of the forest as a multifactorial system are disclosed, as well as the conditions under which the specified system will be able to fully function. The main problems of the functioning of the forest industry during the war are analyzed and clearly explained. The damage caused to forest plantations is also indicated, in particular, the danger posed by fires and the destruction of under-tent cover caused by uncontrolled human activity is described. It was established that the forests of the east, south and north of Ukraine are among the most affected forest plantations during the war. As a result of the research, conclusions, recommendations and possible directions for the development of the forest industry and restoration of forests after the end of military operations on the territory of Ukraine were proposed. In particular, it is stated that ecosystems of artificial origin are less resistant to various environmental factors, therefore the priority should be the preservation of natural forests. Each ecosystem is capable of self-recovery, so there is hope that, over the years, destroyed forest phytocenoses will begin to recover naturally and become more resistant to the influence of negative environmental factors. Especially during the war, Ukrainian society must understand the importance of forests and treat both forest ecosystems and the environment as a whole with care, approaching the harmony of existence with nature.


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