• O. Nalobina National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
  • O. Bundza National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
Keywords: compound feed, mixing granules, granule segregation, movement of granules, uniform distribution of compound feed


The economic efficiency and intensive development of the livestock and poultry industries largely depends on the rational organization of fodder production. High-quality fodders contribute to the increase of the livestock population, increasing its productivity, improving the quality of products, and reducing its cost price. The processes of feeding animals and poultry are greatly simplified due to the use of compound feed. The advantages of compound feed are determined by the same size, mass, shape and composition of granules. All feed for animals and birds is balanced due to the fact that they do not have the opportunity to choose tastier ingredients. Such feed is easier to transport and store. Also, the increase in the use of compound feed is explained by the relatively low price, which helps to reduce the cost of livestock products. In the process of storing compound feed in bunkers, negative phenomena such as segregation, agglomeration, and the formation of lumps are often manifested. So, a change in the structure of the material is manifested. The probability of occurrence of such phenomena increases if the loading equipment is used, which does not ensure the uniformity of the distribution of feed pellets in the storage container. If the manifestation of these negative phenomena is neglected, it will lead to the deterioration of the physiological condition of animals, and as a result to a decrease in the company’s profits. On the other hand, such phenomena lead to the irrational use of bunkers for storing fodder. The design of loading and distribution equipment for compound feed is proposed in the article. The equipment is designed to solve the following tasks: eliminating segregation; increasing the productivity of the process of loading compound feed into the bunker; ensuring uniform distribution of compound feed over the volume of the container. The set tasks are solved due to sequentially installed blades and a cone-shaped fairing. A theoretical analysis of the process of interaction of granules with the design element of the equipment (fairing bars) was performed. The equations that make it possible to determine the angle of inclination of the bars to the horizon and their length are obtained.


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