• M. Holotiuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
  • A. Shymko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
Keywords: rubber track, rubber cord product, cord material, track deformation, calculation of tracks


In agriculture, rubber cord products are widely used, which is due to the technical properties of rubber. Among rubber cord products, the tracks of agricultural machines are common. Rubber tracks are structurally complex systems containing materials that are characterized by very different values of the elasticity modulus. Rubber and metal or fabric fibers have different structural and design features. The rubber layer provides resistance to triggering and resistance to the influence of the external environment. The cord perceives the main part of the loads, which leads to the emergence of a complex stress state, which affects the formation of strength indicators. The design of rubber cord products can be different, namely: the cord is formed in one layer or several; the value of inclination angle of cord fibers to the longitudinal axis of the product may change; fibers of different lengths and diameters are used. It leads to changes in mechanical characteristics depending on external loads. Therefore, these features should be taken into account during the development of a new product design, taking into account the magnitude and nature of loads. For two cases (cord material – metal; cord material – fabric fibers), an analysis of the deformation mechanism of the rubber cord belt was carried out under the condition that the reinforcement is made at an angle. The equations that characterize the relationship between cord parameters and deformation are obtained. Cases of deformation are also considered: tensile deformation with elongation of cord fibers and without elongation; compression strain. The results of the analysis will be used as a basis for further studies of the load modes of rubber tracks of agricultural machines, taking into account not only their design, but also mechanical features. The analysis of the deformation mechanism revealed the need to develop approaches to the design of rubber tracks that take into account deformations not only in the rubber, but also in the cord layers. Features of deformations must also be taken into account when assessing stresses in sections of cyclically loaded tracks.


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