• T. Gaponyuk Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • R. Kirchuk Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • L. Zabrodotska Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
Keywords: vibration in agricultural engineering, vibration exciter, hydraulic drive, parametric oscillations, stiffness


Vibration technology is widely used in mechanical engineering, construction, road building and different sectors of the manufacturing. In agriculture, it is used for dosing feed, cleaning and sorting seeds, digging up root crops, planting potatoes, and transporting bulk materials. Vibrations make the mechanical system more stable in relation to external force disturbances and do not change the technological properties of materials during its movement along the working surfaces. Also, the material passing through the vibration zone is not damaged. A wide range of frequency and amplitude of vibrations provides the possibility of vibration regime varying, and the characteristics of the movement of agricultural plant material on the vibrating working bodies. The analysis of possibility of application of vibrating hydraulic drives as elements of transmission of movement to working bodies of agricultural machines is executed. A historical excursion was conducted and the first mentions of the use of hydraulic drives were pointed out. The estimation of technological processes in agricultural production where it is expedient and possible to use vibration and vibrating drives is made. At the present stage of development of agricultural engineering, using vibrating hydraulic drive is accorded to the basic trends of agriculture machinery development. The stand for conduction of studies of amplitude-frequency characteristics of the vibrating drive with regulated perturbations is offered. A mathematical model is presented, which generally describes the course of the vibration process and estimates the stiffness of the mechanical system. The hydraulic parametric vibration exciter is recommended to use for studying and determination the conditions for the occurrence of parametric vibrations in working body of agricultural machines. Also, using a hydraulic drive makes it possible to simplify the kinematics, reduce metal consumption, increase accuracy, reliability and level of automation of working bodies of agricultural machines.


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