Keywords: recreation resource, anthropogenic impact, recreational point, coefficient of recreation, recreation forms


The most effective way to restore a person’s psychological and physical health is recreation. Today, a lot of research is being done on the use of forests for recreation, these problems have been considered in the works of many famous scientists, but a number of issues remain unresolved. Therefore, in today’s conditions, which are characterized by an extremely high degree of anthropogenic pressure on natural ecosystems, it is necessary to search for alternative solutions to combat these processes directly in the regions, in order to preserve forests and perform phytomeliorative functions. Research and analysis of anthropogenic impact on recreational areas of forests of Volyn region was conducted in order to successfully combine the main purpose of the forest park with the correct organization of forest use. The object of the study were the recreational points of the forests of Volyn region. During the study, methods of comparative analysis and synthesis of information, observation, description, generalization were used. The article analyzes the modern anthropogenic impact on the forest landscapes of Volyn region. The most common forms of recreation in the conditions of Volyn region are highlighted and their negative impact on forest phytocenoses is described. More than forty-seven recreational points of the region were surveyed. The coefficient of ecological impact on forest ecosystems of the studied recreational points of Volyn region is calculated. Stages of recreational digression are determined and the coefficient of recreation is derived. Ways to optimize recreational activities in the forests of Volyn region have been developed and described. Based on the research and analysis of modern development and features of recreational use of forest landscapes of Volyn region, a number of conclusions and developed recommendations for optimizing the use of forests for recreational activities were given. The main problems are highlighted and the possibility of reducing and regulating the anthropogenic load on the recreational points of the forests of Volyn region, which is a necessary condition of modernity, is described.
