The article proposes a block diagram of the process of drying bulk plant materials in a spiral dryer, which covers a set of parameters that determine the drying result. To carry out energy-efficient high-quality drying of bulk agricultural materials and control the drying process in a dryer with spiral perforated surfaces, it is necessary to find such parameters of the dryer and drying agent that provide minimal heat and electricity consumption the required performance of the spiral dryer and the initial parameters of the bulk agricultural material. To assess the energy efficiency of the design of the spiral dryer, the specific energy consumption is set: for the drive of the drying chamber and the loading auger; on the formation of the drying agent; to inject the formed drying agent into the drying chamber and pass it through the entire volume of material at a given speed; for the operation of loading and unloading devices with the required bandwidth, the type of which may vary depending on the scheme of organization of the technological process. The presence of several spiral perforated surfaces allows reducing the height of the layers of bulk material on the turns of the perforated surfaces and leads to an increase in the contact area of the drying agent with the material. Due to this, uniform drying of the bulk agricultural material and efficient use of the energy potential of the drying agent is achieved.