Substantiation of the structure and parameters of the drum roller for cleaning flax oily
Traditional flax harvesting technologies are aimed at producing high quality seeds. They do not provide for the preservation of the stem part of the flax in a form suitable for further processing for the purpose of separation of the fiber. As shown by the results of research, during the cultivation of oil flax in the climatic conditions of the Western Polesie of Ukraine it is possible to get except seeds up to 40 kg / ha of straw with fiber content up to 21,0 ... 23,3%. It is advisable to process such a linseed straw into a single fiber having a wide range of uses. Thus, there is a problem with the justification of the technology of harvesting oil flax in the stages of early and early yellow ripeness, when the seeds and fiber are already ripe. Known methods of accelerating the conditions under which it is possible to collect such seeds by desiccation of crops. The stems with the fiber are also formed, but the fiber can be isolated from it only in the form of a bast. The world practice of primary processing of stems of bast crops shows that they use a technological operation to decorticate them. The introduction of new technology for the collection of oil flax will increase the profitability of its cultivation, since the obtained raw materials (seeds, fiber, fire, half) from the components of the crop of this crop is suitable for complex waste-free use. The article proposes a technology for harvesting oil flax, which will provide the opportunity to obtain seeds and use the stalk, taking into account the quality of the fiber. The design of a roller top-lifting apparatus for use on a combine harvester, which takes into account the shortcomings of existing designs of top-lifting apparatuses, is considered. Dependencies are proposed to justify the structural - kinematic parameters of a pair of rollers, the calculation of which confirms the effectiveness of their work.