Vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds of agricultural crops have different shapes and sizes. When developing machines and equipment for harvesting and processing agricultural products, it is necessary to take into account these characteristics of fruit and vegetable products in order to ensure high efficiency of technological processes. Scientists use various methods to describe the shape of vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds. In particular, morphometric analysis, reconstruction of contour images obtained from a photo of the whole fruits or its parts, as well as X-ray computed tomography, 3D data processing methods and visualization technologies (triangulation, time of flight (TOF), interferometry, electromagnetic radiation and ultrasound) are used. The aim of the study was to obtain mathematical models of the shapes of fruits and root crops. Creative shapes of tomatoes, carrots and table beets were described by modifying the superformula of the flat curve of the superellipse. To build 3D models of fruits and root crops, the equation of the creative shape written in parametric form was used. Construction of graphs of creative forms of fruit and root crops, as well as their 3D models was carried out in the computer algebra system Mathcad 14. The proposed mathematical models can be used for modeling of technological processes, development of working bodies of machines, equipment and robots for harvesting and processing of agricultural crops, as well as for determination of physical and mechanical parameters of agricultural products (volume, mass, density, etc.). By changing the parameters of the mathematical models of fruit and root crops, it is possible to take into account the peculiarities of the shape of their various varieties. Further research in this direction with the aim of developing mathematical models for describing the shape of seeds, fruits and roots of various agricultural crops is promising.
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