During extraction of sapropel with a high moisture content, it is necessary to separate free water, which has no value for the further use of sapropel, but complicates its transportation and processing. The article proposes the design of a pressing chamber for the equipment of extraction and processing of lake sapropel of natural moisture. The research is aimed at the theoretical justification of the geometrical parameters of the press chamber of the sapropel screw conveyor. In existing sapropel extraction technologies, screw, pneumatic and pneumatic-hydraulic conveyors are used. For partial dehydration of mined lake sapropel of natural moisture in technologies of extraction and processing of sapropel, mainly intermittent presses are used. The article proposes to combine the processes of transportation and partial mechanical dehydration of lake sapropel by pressing in the press chamber of a screw conveyor. The study examines the influence of various design parameters on the efficiency of the screw conveyor and the press chamber. The influence of the geometrical and other parameters of the conveyor on its energy consumption, productivity and the regime of the technological process is also considered. The theoretical calculations made it possible to develop recommendations for the optimal geometric parameters of the press chamber of the sapropel screw conveyor, which influence the quality and efficiency of sapropel dehydration. Application of the obtained results in practice will increase the efficiency of the processes of extraction and processing of lake sapropel, which is an important step in the development of environmentally friendly technologies. In general, the study contributes to the expansion of knowledge in the field of extraction and processing of lake sapropel and can be useful for specialists engaged in the development and improvement of equipment for screw conveyors and dewatering systems.
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