Reclamation is an important factor of intensification of agricultural production and scientific and technical progress in agriculture. The main goal of agricultural reclamation is to create optimal conditions for the production of agricultural products. Hydromelioration is one of the most time-consuming and widespread forms of land reclamation, i.e., it is a set of measures and structures that ensure the improvement of the natural conditions for agricultural land use by regulating the water regime of soils. Canals are the main elements of reclamation systems. Ensuring the quality operation of channels with the required bandwidth guarantees the effective operation of the entire reclamation system. The article describes the operation of a rotary soil distributor. It has been studied that the quality of the machine's operation is ensured by selecting the design parameters of the rotor blades, their installation angles, the position of the directional ejection nozzle and the value of the linear speed of soil ejection. The soil on the slope is spread with a fan-like jet evenly over the entire length of the ejection. The law of movement of the soil through the blade has been established as a function of a number of geometric and kinematic parameters: the angle of installation of the blade; the length, width and curvature of the blade; the speed of rotation of the rotor. The dimensions of the spreading belt were determined. It has been studied that the main requirement for metal distributors is the uniformity of soil distribution along the entire length of the throw. To meet this requirement, the rotor alternates flat and curved blades. Thanks to this, it is possible to extend the range of changes in the magnitude and direction of the absolute speed of throwing at a constant frequency of rotation of the rotor.
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