• O. Zmievska National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
  • N. Yuvchyk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
Keywords: onion, growing onions, onion harvesting, onion harvesting equipment, onion digging


Onion is a vegetable crop that is one of the most needed in the food industry. Onion farms use various agrotechnical measures to increase productivity and preserve the crop. Onion harvesting is a complex technological process, which is often carried out manually, resulting in financial losses for farmers. In Ukraine, the level of mechanization of onion (Allium cepa L.) harvesting is relatively low compared to other vegetable crops such as potatoes. Mechanization of onion harvesting with the help of potato diggers is not rational due to the significant difference in the physical and mechanical properties of the onion, which causes significant trauma to the onion. The article discusses various onion harvesting technologies and technical means for their implementation. The main factors that characterize single-phase and two-phase onion harvesting technologies are determined. An analysis of the complex of foreign onion harvesting machines designed for the implementation of single-phase and two-phase onion harvesting technologies was carried out. It was found out that there are no machines of domestic production. Only in 2023 Ukraine produced a prototype of an onion harvester. The review of onion harvesting machines showed that the main direction of their development is the creation of machines with high efficiency of technological operations and combination of several operations. The use of such machines by agricultural producers will ensure fuel economy and high quality of products, reduce the use of manual labor. In order to secure the domestic market for onions, reduce the import of vegetables and restore the status of Ukraine as an onion exporter, it is important to activate the development of domestic equipment, taking into account the characteristics of soils, the organization of production processes in Ukraine, as well as the main trends in the development of technologies and machinery for this industry.


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