• I. Tsiz Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • Т. Tsiz Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • Yu. Bashuk LLC «Kivertsiagromash», Kivertsi, Ukraine
  • O. Holii SEERF «ELITA», Rokiny, Ukraine
  • V. Khvesyk Liubeshiv Technical Vocational College of LNTU, Liubeshiv, Ukraine
Keywords: spring barley, use of siderates, strip method of sowing, mass of a thousand seeds, sowing section


Barley is important for feeding animals, making cereal, and brewing beer. The importance of barley-based products for human nutrition is that barley protein contains substances that help to significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Recently, the price of barley grain has increased in contrast to wheat. The high cost of traditional mineral fertilizers does not help to use them in optimal doses for growing agricultural crops. In such conditions, post-harvest sowing of siderates can be considered as an alternative to spring barley. The classical scheme of sowing barley is sowing with a row width of 15 cm. Domestic and global manufacturers of sowing equipment offer the possibility of sowing barley using strip technology or wide row method. At the same time, the global trend of consumption of organic products is actively spreading also in Ukraine. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to study the influence of strip seeding method on the yield of spring barley and the effectiveness of inter-row cultivation as a weed control measure, and to develop a seeding scheme for strip seeding of cereals. As a result of the field research it was established that the 8-37-8 cm strip sowing scheme of spring barley allows to obtain the yield of organic grain of spring barley of the variety RGT PLANET at the level of the indicators of this variety given in the characteristics for the conditions of Polissia. The obtained value of the weight of 1000 seeds indicates an increase in the quality indicators of the crop in comparison with the usual method of row sowing. On the basis of the obtained results of the experimental research a functional scheme of the seeder for strip sowing of grain crops according to the 8-37-8 cm scheme was developed. The basis of such a seeder is the sectional sowing with two supporting wheels, an anchor coulter and a flow divider.


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