• D. Albota Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
Keywords: linseed, flax seeds, tooth of beater-raiser, flax stem, stream of stems


Linseed is grown by farms for seed production. The most common flax harvesting techniques are direct harvesting or separate harvesting. Under favorable growing conditions, the stem part of the crop can reach 45 t/ha, which creates additional difficulties at the harvesting stage. In this paper, the process of interaction of the thinner tooth of the beater with the flow of flax stems to ensure the separation of stems and the separation of seeds has been studied. Theoretical studies were carried out and the necessary conditions for high quality processing of flax stalk flow were determined. Factors influencing the degree of flax seed separation and hull loosening were determined. A model of a tooth and comb for a beater-thickener was developed. The position of the teeth on the comb was substantiated. The deflection of the stalk clamped on both sides by the force of the tooth was determined. The force with which the flax stalks are pulled out of the fixings of the equipment is also determined. The time required to separate the seeds from the stalk layer and the percentage of separated seeds at different rotation frequencies of the loosener shaft were determined. The necessary distance between adjacent pairs of rollers to destroy the seed pods and separate the seeds was determined to be 40 cm. Increasing this distance causes the stalks to sag and wind up on the working elements of the machine. Processing a stream of flax stalks with the help of the developed equipment ensures complete separation of seeds from compacted layers of stalks with a minimum content of waste impurities and minimal loss of seeds. According to the results of the conducted researches it is recommended to install in the machine for flax harvesting a knot for stacking of stalks.


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