• S. Khomych Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • I. Tsiz Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • V. Satsiuk Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
Keywords: predicting of part serviceability, part repair, repair of equipment, durability of parts, work resource


Agricultural machinery parts have a life expectancy that depends on operating conditions and quality service. Eventually, parts fail and need to be rebuilt. Repair work makes it possible to extend the function of the part for a certain period of time. When repairing parts, it is necessary to predict the period of their further operation. It is quite problematic to restore the defective parts because the repair technologies are outdated. The use of non-traditional repair technologies requires an assessment of the quality of the repaired product, which includes the determination of the maximum period of its future operation. In general, the durability of repaired parts depends on the correct choice of restoration method, the quality of the work performed, the accuracy of the tool, the qualifications of the workers, etc. The article discusses the method of predicting the state of the coupling based on allowable values during diagnosis. This makes it possible to determine the period of further operation of the coupling until the next inspection, if the period of operation is known. Prediction methods based on calculated permissible parameter values and special tables are also used to determine repair dates. The most common method of processing information to predict the remaining life of parts is the use of nomograms. Nomograms are created on the basis of the results of calculations based on empirical equations that relate the remaining life to the initial value of the measured parameter, the number of kilometers travelled since the start of operation, the value of the measured parameter at the current time and the limit value of the parameter. The improved method of predicting the service life of the repaired part allows you to assess the condition of the repaired part by determining the service life indicators in percent according to the selected influencing factors. By using previously known influencing factors and applying an advanced prediction method, it is possible to determine the service life of a part even before repair work is carried out.


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