• M. Fomych Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
Keywords: biomass, stems, fuel briquettes, solid fuel, properties of fuel briquettes


In Ukraine and the in world, there is a need to utilize the biomass of the stems of agricultural crops, the productive part of which is grain. Such agricultural crops are: wheat, corn, sunflower, linseed, etc. The volume of cultivation of these crops is constantly growing, so the problem of processing their stems is becoming extremely urgent. Typically, the biomass from stems of agricultural crops is crushed and left in the soil or burned. Scientists have proven that the biomass of the stems of agricultural crops has great potential for the production of a wide range of goods. The most rational way of processing the biomass from the stems of agricultural crops is to produce various types of solid fuel. The stem of the crop can and should be used as raw material for the production of fuel materials, as this will contribute to ensuring Ukraine’s energy independence. The purpose of the research is to analyze the technologies and equipment for the production of fuel briquettes from the stems of agricultural crops, to determine the most promising of them. The article analyzes the types of fuel briquettes, their physical and mechanical properties, as well as technologies and equipment for their production from the biomass of the stems of agricultural crops. It was established that it is most expedient to manufacture briquettes of the RUF and NESTRO (NIELSEN) type due to their low cost and good physical and mechanical properties. A complex of equipment for the production of fuel materials for the production of briquettes of the RUF or NESTRO (NIELSEN) type is also offered. These types of briquette production complexes can be located on the territory of agricultural producers, which enables processing of stems into fuel briquettes directly on the spot.


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