In the elements of manipulators and robots, various types of impact interactions take place. Among them two sided impacts are often observed. For their investigation a special numerical procedure is proposed. Numerical results for typical parameters of the investigated system having one degree of freedom are presented. Results without application of this procedure and with it are presented and mutually compared.
Results for various values of coefficient of viscous damping and of coefficient of restitution were obtained. They are presented for three typical sets of those parameters. The first set of typical values of parameters describe the motion of the investigated system with two sided impacts corresponding to the case of conservative impacts. The second set of typical values of parameters describe the motion of the investigated system with two sided impacts corresponding to the case of conservative inter impact motions. The third set of typical values of parameters describe the motion of the investigated system with two sided impacts corresponding to the case of fully dissipative dynamics.
Time history of displacement, time history of velocity and dynamics of the system with two sided impacts in the phase plane are represented. The obtained graphical representations show the advantages of the improved calculation of impact interactions.
The results are applied in the design of elements of manipulators and robots with two sided impacts.
Keywords: nonlinearity of impact type, harmonic excitation, two sided impacts, nonlinear transient processes, graphical representations.