Study of the influence of road conditions on the efficiency of bus use

  • Ihor MARMUT Ph. D. in Engineering, Associate Professor of Technical Operation and Service of Cars Department named after Govorushchenko M.Ya., Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University
  • Serhii м Postgraduate of Technical Operation and Service of Cars Department named after Govorushchenko M.Ya., Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University
  • Ihor CHORNYI Postgraduate of Technical Operation and Service of Cars Department named after Govorushchenko M.Ya., Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University


The development of passenger road transport should be aimed primarily at ensuring a significant improvement in the quality of public transport services, reducing costs and increasing labor productivity. A comprehensive solution to these tasks and an important social problem involves achieving full provision of the needs of the population in bus transportation, reducing the time spent by passengers on trips, observing route schedules, reducing the occupancy of rolling stock to the regulatory level and increasing the convenience of travel, including movement and "peak" hours. In this regard, passenger transport is rightly required to increase the speed of communication and the comfort of trips.

Increasing the speed of motor vehicles and reducing the time spent on movement is a significant reserve for increasing the free time of passengers.

In addition, increasing the speed of the buses allows the motor transport company to save on staff wages, depreciation deductions for the renewal of rolling stock and overhead costs.

Therefore, the average technical speed is the main criterion for evaluating the operating conditions of the rolling stock of motor vehicles. However, it is not given due attention.

The average technical speed of a car under normal operating conditions depends on many different factors, in particular: the structural features of the vehicle, the size of the payload, the type and condition of the road surface, natural and climatic conditions, the intensity of traffic, the frequency and duration of stops on the road at traffic lights, driving skills , operating on the roads of speed limits, etc.

As already mentioned, currently there is no unified method for calculating and normalizing vehicle speeds in road transport.

The article deals with the analytical method of determining the speed of the bus depending on the coefficient of total road resistance. Changes in speed and performance of buses depending on total road resistance were also analyzed.

Keywords: speed of movement, daily productivity of buses, total road supports.

How to Cite
MARMUT, I., мS., & CHORNYI, I. (2024). Study of the influence of road conditions on the efficiency of bus use. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(23), 169-179.