• А. Linnik
  • I. Semeniv
  • O. Kyryk


The natural potential of Ukraine's agricultural lands allows it to become a leader in sugar production in Europe. However, to successfully enter European markets, it is necessary to ensure the competitiveness of manufactured products, which can be achieved in various ways, in particular: improving the quality of raw materials, reducing labor costs and energy intensity of production processes.

The analysis of classical technologies of cleaning of heads of root crops and their collecting, influence of various constructive schemes of clearing devices on cleanliness of a head and integrity of a body of a root taking into account energy consumption on process is carried out. The problem of improvement of existing and invention of new designs of root cleaning machines taking into account physical and mechanical properties of contact bodies of a cleaner-root crop which quality of work would satisfy agrotechnical requirements is investigated.

The article proposes a new design of a device for cutting the bud and cleaning the heads of sugar beet roots in which combines two technological processes - cutting the stem and subsequent cleaning of the root surface with a hard disk surface and elastic whips provided copying the height of each root.

The result of the study is to determine the prospects for improving the technology of cleaning sugar beet tops, proposed a new design of a combined cleaning machine.
