Complex technical objects of military equipment in society are of exceptional importance. These include, first of all, various radio-electronic complexes of military and special purpose, radar stations, automated control systems (of air traffic, energy facilities, etc.). The state's defense capability, economic security, and the lives of hundreds and thousands of people depend on the level of reliability of such objects. Such objects belong to the class of objects that are subject to long-term repeated use. They are usually expensive and require significant costs for their operation. To ensure the required level of reliability during their operation, maintenance (MTO) is usually performed, the essence of which is the timely preventive replacement of elements that are in a state before failure. In this work, a simulation static model has been developed, designed to predict the reliability indicators and operating costs of a complex technical object of military equipment, which depend on the parameters of the selected MTO strategy. MTO has implemented algorithms for simulating MTO processes for three variants of MTO strategies.The regulated MTO modeling mode was introduced to ensure the completeness of the analysis of possible MTO strategies for the designed object and to predict the possible gain in reliability and operating costs of the object due to the use of “condition-based” maintenance strategies.