General characteristics of factors affecting the functioning of car service stations


The paper considers three groups of factors affecting the operation of car service stations: 1) uncontrollable (location and regional features, demand); 2) managed (nomenclature of services and specialization of the car service station, number of production workers; number of posts, total area of premises of the car service station); 3) partially managed (quality of performed work, price policy of the car service station, qualification of production personnel, configuration of production facilities, time of existence of the car service station).

A well-founded practical approach when choosing and expanding the specialization of a car maintenance station, which consists in conducting a survey of car owners – a questionnaire or using the results of expert assessments. The relationship between the unmanaged factor demand/demand for car service services and the managed factor nomenclature of services and specialization of the car service station is established. Schemes of the most common configurations of the premises of car service stations are presented, and it is found that the most optimal is a rectangular building, which makes it possible to make maximum use of the area under the repair zone. It is well-founded and practice shows that the location of a car service station on the central streets of cities is impractical due to their negative impact on street traffic and the architectural style of the car service building.

The components and interrelationship of factors affecting the functioning of car service stations are clarified. It was established that at the initial stage of operation of car service stations, the most important factor is the demand for car service services by car owners.

The results of the performed research can be used by car service stations both at the initial stage of activity and when expanding the range of car service services provided. For car service stations, recommendations are given regarding: choosing the location of car service stations, the need to use the results of a questionnaire of car owners and expert evaluations of a car service, the importance of selecting qualified personnel.

Keywords: car; car service, repair, work station, car service station, factor.

How to Cite
KHAVRUK, V. (2022). General characteristics of factors affecting the functioning of car service stations. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(19), 203-213.