Analysis of the influence of distribution of torques between axles on energy efficiency of two-axle vehicle

  • Mykhailo PODRYHALO Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Repair Technology, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University
  • Ruslan KAIDALOV Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Сolonel, Deputy Head of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine for Scientific Work, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
  • Vasyl OMELCHENKO Postgraduate Student of the Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University, Head of the Department of International Relations, Information and Communication, Lieutenant Colonel, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine


In the modern automotive industry, a number of authors emphasized that the front engine installation in combination with the front-wheel drive allows to increase the vibration resistance and efficiency of the motor-transmission installation, which increases the energy efficiency of automobile. On the basis of the dependence previously obtained by the authors of this article for calculating the instantaneous coefficient of efficiency of the wheel drive, it is proved that front-wheel drive automobiles have a higher level of the indicated indicator.

The stability requirements after 2010 were considered, which showed that, taking into account the growth of engine power and vehicle speeds, back-wheel drive automobiles do not meet the stability requirements after 2010, which is also confirmed by the requirements of the standards of a number of European countries, Israel, which regulate the installation of a dynamic stabilization system (ESP) on  automobiles for the transportation of passengers.

Proposed  the methods of increasing the energy efficiency of two-axleautomobiles by increasing the instantaneous efficiency of the wheel drive due to the rational choice of the wheels of the drive axle and adjusting the distribution of traction moments between the front and back axles. The problem of determining   the efficiency of the wheel drive of a two-axle automobile with either front or back drive wheels is solved. The obtained analytical expressions made it possible to evaluate the energy efficiency of the wheel drive by the level of the instantaneous coefficient of efficiency of front-wheel drive and back-wheel drive automobiles. A comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of front- and back-wheel drive automobiles was carried out in order to ensure a higher level of the wheel drive efficiency. It has been proven that when dual tires are installed on the back wheels of two-axle automobiles, the drive should be carried out either on the back wheels or on all wheels.

Key words: two-axle automobiles, energy efficiency, coefficient of efficiency, wheel drive, torque.

How to Cite
PODRYHALO, M., KAIDALOV, R., & OMELCHENKO, V. (2022). Analysis of the influence of distribution of torques between axles on energy efficiency of two-axle vehicle. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(19), 174-181.