Analysis of factors for selecting a medical equipment carrier

  • Irina PAVLOVA PhD in Engineering, associate professor of Automobiles and Transport Technologies department, Lutsk National Technical University
  • Oksana KUKHARETS master, Lutsk National Technical University


One of the main tasks of transport is the timely and high-quality satisfaction of the consumer's transportation needs. Transportation of various cargoes requires an individual approach to choosing the type of transportation. The article examined the requirements that consumers put forward for the transportation of various cargoes. The requirements of the institutions that are the customers of such transports for the transportation of high-tech medical equipment, which are put forward to the companies that take responsibility for the delivery of such cargoes, are considered separately. Classification of medical equipment has been carried out. Most devices have fragile structural elements that easily fail. Shaking, dust, high humidity, temperature changes, condensation and other natural factors can lead to the failure of individual parts or the structure as a whole. Therefore, the question arises of choosing the optimal type of transport for transporting such equipment. The article considers the main factors that determine the mode of transportation. The criteria that are applied by customers of medical equipment transportation to the carrier are also defined. Among the main criteria are the preservation of equipment, timeliness of delivery, the possibility of installing medical equipment on site, informativeness at each stage of delivery, etc. The work presents an algorithm for choosing a carrier using the example of three conditional carriers. For this purpose, the method of expert evaluations was chosen. This method was used to evaluate potential carriers according to criteria that determine the quality of transportation and delivery of equipment. The criteria that are the most important when transporting medical equipment are determined, namely, the safety of the equipment, the possibility of its accurate installation on the spot, delivery time, transportation costs.

Key words: road transport, transportation of medical equipment, quality of delivery, choice of carrier, selection criteria, method of expert evaluations.

How to Cite
PAVLOVA, I., & KUKHARETS, O. (2022). Analysis of factors for selecting a medical equipment carrier. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(19), 148-154.