Disc brake wear dependence on braking distance cars

  • Oleksandr NAZAROV PhD in Engeneering, associate professor of the department of technical operation and service of cars, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9214-7506
  • Sergey KRYVOSHAPOV PhD in Engeneering, associate professor of the department of technical operation and service of cars, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4605-6790
  • Mykola SERHIENKO PhD in Engeneering, associate professor of the department of technical operation and service of cars, Kharkiv National University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5168-1924


The article considers the process of wear of the friction surfaces of disc brakes, taking into account their design parameters, the coefficient of wear resistance of materials, the initial braking speed of the car, the amount of mileage and its braking distance during this period, which are used to estimate the resource of braking mechanisms.

For this, a systematic approach was used, a rational combination of experimental research and analysis of known theoretical scientific results of I.V. Kragelskyi on the theory of friction and wear.

It is known that in order to estimate the resource of braking mechanisms of motor vehicles, it is important to establish the amount of permissible wear of friction surfaces that form frictional contact.

The regularity of changes in the wear of the friction surfaces of disc brake mechanisms based on the area of frictional contact and the cross-sectional area of the wheel cylinder, the radius of friction and the kinematic rolling radius of the wheel, the amount of drive pressure and the braking distance of the car has been established.

Recommendations are given to increase the resource of disc brake mechanisms, for which the emphasis is placed on increasing the size of the "disc-pad" frictional contact area due to the expansion of the friction surface, limited by the inner and outer radii of the disc and the angle of coverage of the pad.

It was found that the friction lining of the cars under study has a higher relative wear than the brake disc surfaces for the same mileage.

On the basis of the obtained dependence of the wear of friction surfaces and the results of wear measurement, a dependence was established for the first time to determine the coefficients of wear resistance of the material of the disk and lining.

The results of the work can be used to assess the wear and predict the resource of the disc brakes of passenger cars, taking into account the operating conditions of the cars.

Keywords: passenger car, braking, disc brake mechanism, wear, mileage.

How to Cite
NAZAROV, O., KRYVOSHAPOV, S., & SERHIENKO, M. (2022). Disc brake wear dependence on braking distance cars. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(19), 131-140. https://doi.org/10.36910/automash.v2i19.911