Experimental study of the moment inertia of the car transmission

  • Ihor MARMUT Ph. D. in Engineering, Associate Professor of Technical Operation and Service of Cars Department named after Prof. Govorushchenko M.Ya., Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4661-1336
  • Vladimir ZUYEV Chairman of the Cycle Committee, Teacher of Special Disciplines, Vyacheslav Chornovol Halych Vocational College, Ternopil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0596-8630


The article examines the results of experimental research on the moment of inertia of a passenger car transmission. The idling resistance in the transmission was also calculated.

Control and diagnosis of the technical condition of rolling stock from the point of view of traffic safety is one of the most important problems. Diagnostic equipment includes roller stands, which can be used to check the braking and traction properties of cars.

As shown by many studies, in particular those carried out at the department of technical operation and service of cars of the KhNAHU (KHADI), inertial stands provide more reliable information about the technical condition of the car (they allow to reproduce real speed and thermal modes of operation). In order to standardize and determine diagnostic parameters when checking a car on a rolling stand, it is necessary to know the reduced masses (or reduced moments of inertia) of the wheels, transmission and engine.

To do this, the moment of inertia of the car transmission of a specific model was experimentally determined by the coasting method and the more accurate bifilar suspension method. The transmission of the "Ford Sierra 1.6 4MT" car was chosen as an experimental object. The moment of inertia of the transmission was measured by the coasting method on a working car using the simplest measuring tools - a speedometer and a video recording, and by the suspension method - on the available parts of the disassembled transmission from another copy of the same model.

The obtained results of the experiments made it possible to establish that the coasting method makes it possible to determine the moment of inertia of the automobile transmission quite accurately (the discrepancy is 1,6%). Thus, the less time-consuming coasting method can be used to measure the moment of inertia of the transmission - at least in those tasks that do not require very high accuracy.

Keywords: moment of inertia, transmission, bifilar suspension, coasting, speedometer, video recording, idling resistance.

How to Cite
MARMUT, I., & ZUYEV, V. (2022). Experimental study of the moment inertia of the car transmission. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(19), 123-130. https://doi.org/10.36910/automash.v2i19.910