Features of the simulation of the dynamic interaction of the links of a light-tonn vehicle during acceleration and driving on a rough road

  • Mykola HANDZIUK Ph.D in Engeneering, associate professor of automobiles and transport technologies department, Lutsk National Technical University http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3552-4256
  • Dmitriy HANDZIUK Magistr of Transport


The development of small businesses and entrepreneurship in the country has led to an increase in the need for trailers used in coupling with passenger cars and light-duty vehicles. The specified circumstance poses the task of increasing the volume of production of trailed machinery of this type, shortening the design period and starting the production of new models. At the same time, the supporting structure of each product must have high strength, durability and ensure the safe movement of the low-tonnage car train as a whole.

The use of passenger cars as a tractor as part of a road train, despite all its positive effects, is associated with a number of technical difficulties, mostly related to the characteristics of low-tonnage trains.

A feature of the load-bearing structure of trailers is the presence of a coupling device, which accepts part of the weight of the trailer link with the transported cargo and ensures the connection between the tractor and the trailer. In this regard, high demands are placed on the coupling device of the trailer in terms of strength, durability and ensuring effective dynamic interaction of the links of the road train in various driving modes.

The loading regimes, which are determined by the flatness of the road and the speed of the low-tonnage automobile train, have a significant impact on the strength and durability of the coupling device. The set of unevenness of the road section and the speed of movement determine many operating conditions of a low-tonnage car train and, as a result, loading modes.

Works in this field are few and aimed at the study and improvement of specific operational properties, without touching the issue of dynamic interaction of links on the entire range of motion modes and the selection of coupling device parameters.

Some experience has been accumulated abroad in the design and production of trailers for passenger cars, but there is no publicly available data on the method of selecting parameters used by foreign manufacturers when designing towing devices. In this regard, it is advisable to investigate the influence of the design and operational parameters of the coupling device on the dynamic interaction of the links of a light-duty road train in different modes of movement and to determine the patterns of changes in the indicators of the dynamic interaction of its links.

The most characteristic, from the point of view of the dynamic interaction of the links, are the modes of braking, acceleration, including starting from a standstill, and the movement of the road train over road irregularities.

Key words: low-tonnage road train, towing link, structural parameters, operational parameters, braking mode, acceleration, movement on a rough road, braking forces, sprung parts, non-sprung parts, modeling, stiffness, dynamic interaction.

How to Cite
HANDZIUK, M., & HANDZIUK, D. (2022). Features of the simulation of the dynamic interaction of the links of a light-tonn vehicle during acceleration and driving on a rough road. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(19), 54-62. https://doi.org/10.36910/automash.v2i19.903