Functioning of transport-interchange nodes in the city transport system

  • Viktoriia NYKONCHUK D. Sc (Economics), Professor, Hard of the Transport Technologies and Technical Service Department, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Mykhailo KRYSTOPCHUK PhD, Associate Professor of the Transport Technologies and Technical Service Department, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Svetlana PASHKEVYCH Senior Lecturer of the Transport Technology and Technical Service Department, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering


The article identifies problem issues of the functioning of the route passenger transport system. The research reveals directions for increasing the efficiency of the public transport system and ensuring the quality of passenger service under the conditions of effective interaction between the service and consumer flow entities.

The article gives the definition of the concept of the “transport-interchange node” and classification of nodes according to various characteristics; it also presents a diagram of the types of transport-interchange nodes according to the spatial location of stops. The research determined that transport-interchange nodes perform the functions of redistributing passenger flows between different types of transport and ensure a reduction in the waiting time of transport passengers at stops in the city’s route network, taking into account existing technologies for organizing the operation of transport vehicles.

The research proposes practical recommendations on how to improve the interaction of passenger flows in transport-interchange nodes within the city passenger transport system. One of the solutions can be the establishment of the express transport connection between bus stations. The results of the research provide an opportunity to analyze the current situation in the city and to develop measures to improve public transport routes in the city of Rivne regarding ​​transport-interchange nodes. These measures include, in particular, a complex of actions aimed at increasing the efficiency of the functioning of transport-interchange nodes in interaction with the city passenger transport system.

Key words: route network, public transport, stops, transport-interchange node, express connection

How to Cite
NYKONCHUK, V., KRYSTOPCHUK, M., & PASHKEVYCH, S. (2022). Functioning of transport-interchange nodes in the city transport system . ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(19), 16-24.