Simulation of dynamic interaction of low-level train links under braking
Much scientific work has been devoted to improving the performance of freight trains, as well as the development of designs and selection of parameters of couplings.
The use of cars as a tractor in a road train, for all its positive effects, is associated with a number of technical difficulties, mostly related to the peculiarities of light trains.
Low-tonnage trains have actually fallen out of sight of scientists, especially in our country. Work in this area is small and aimed at studying and improving specific performance properties, without touching on the issue of dynamic interaction of low-tonnage trains on the full range of modes of operation and the choice of parameters of couplings. Some experience in the design and manufacture of trailers for passenger cars has been gained abroad, but data on the method of selecting parameters used by foreign manufacturers in the design of couplings are not publicly available. In this regard, it is advisable to study the influence of design and operational parameters of the coupling device on the dynamic interaction of low-tonnage train links in different modes and determine the patterns of changes in the dynamic interaction of low-tonnage train units and on the basis of conclusions for light-duty road trains.
The most characteristic, in terms of dynamic interaction of the links, is the braking mode. Therefore, below we will dwell in more detail on the simulation of this mode.
Low-capacity road train is a complex mechanical system consisting of a large number of elements connected by various connections. It is impossible to study the movement of a road train taking into account all the connections, so the real road train is replaced by a calculation model.
Keywords: low-capacity road train, trailer link, design parameters, operational parameters, braking mode, braking forces, sprung parts, unsprung parts, rigidity, dynamic interaction.